NONI Facts and Benefits

Noni Fruit

Facts The medicinal properties of Noni were discovered, more than 2000 years ago, by the Polynesians, who imported the fruit from Southeast Asia.

Today the noni fruits is eaten in many parts of the world, mainly in the Pacific Islands, Southeast Asia and Australia. Those who recovered from illness after eating the noni fruit called it? The fruit of God?

Noni juice was approved by the European Commission as a novel food and was allowed to be commercialised in the EU. A novel food is food or a food ingredient that was not used to a significant degree in the EU before May 15, 1997. Before any new food product can be introduced on the European market it must be rigorously assessed for safety. 

Indian mulberry, Nonu  - India
Nono - Tahiti
Lada - Guam
Niam - Asian
Cheese fruit - Australia
Painkiller tree - Caribean
Bumbo - African
Mengduku - Malaysia
South East Asia - Nhau

Medical Evidence Substantiates that Noni Can Strengthen

The Immune SystemIncrease 50% in Healthy People Immune System
Natural Killer Cells Enhanced by 300%
Patients suffering from chronic fatigue, gradually recovered by consumption of Noni.
100% increase in Immunity System for Cancer Patients whoconsume Noni.

What Noni is used for and its’ benefits
  • Noni has a history of use as a topical preparation for joint pain and skin conditions.
  • Traditionally, the leaves and fruit of noni have been used for health purposes.
  • Today, people drink noni fruit juice areal as a health tonic, as well as for cancer and chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
  • Noni has been reported to have a range of health benefits for colds, cancer, diabetes, asthma, hypertension, pain, skin infection, high blood pressure, mental depression, atherosclerosis and arthritis
  • The noni contain the antibacterial compounds in the fruits (acubin, L-asperuloside and alizarin) and roots (anthrauinones).
  • Noni conatins scopoletin which inhibits the growth of Escherichia coli, which is responsible for intestinal infections, and Heliobacter pylori, which causes ulcers.
  • Damnacanthal, which is found in the noni roots, inhibits the tyrosine kinase and gives noni anti-tumor activity

Dr Ralph Heinicke Ph.D - Father of NONI
Noni Father
  • leading biochemist in the United States
  • spent over 45 years learning Noni.
  • Name and patent of the new alkaloids "Xeronine" and found essential for cell function in the body and sustained health.
  • found that not only the Noni fruit contains large amounts proxeronine, but it also contains enzymes that help change proxeronine to Xeronine, called Proxeroninase.

  • Xeronine activates dormant enzymes that are found in our small intenstines, this is very important, since we eat too many foods that are lacking in sufficient quantities of enzymes. Our bodies need specific, enyzymes to enjoy efficient digestion, calm nerves and to increase our physical and emotional energy.
  • Xeronine protects and keeps the shape and suppleness of protein molecules so that they may be able to pass through the cell walls and be used to form healthy tissue. Without these nutrients going into the cell, the cell cannot perform its job efficiently. Without pro-xeronine to produce xeronine our cells suffer and then our complete body suffers.
  • The enzyme Xeronine which the body produces from the pro-xeronine found in the Noni plant, also assists in enlarging the membrance pores of the cells. This enlargement allows for larger chains of peptides (amino acids or proteins) to be admitted into the cell and to feed us better. If these chains are not used they become waste and this precious source of energy is lost by going to fat or being eliminated.
  • Every cell is the body is like a house with doors and windows. When you have to drive a car into a garage you need to open the large door. The same goes on in our body if we have to absorb a larger protein molecule, we need to open a larger pore if we are to use it. Xeronine, which is made from pro-xeronine, a larger pore if we are to use it. Xeronine, which is made from pro-xeronine, assists in the enlarging the pores and allowing better absorption of nutrients.
  • Proxeronine is the precursor of the alkaloid Xeronine. The basic building block of this important substance Proxeronase is the enzyme necessary to complete the chemical reaction which produces Xeronine. Proxeronine and Proxeronase combine in the intestine to produce Xeronine.

Dr Neil Solomon M.D. ,Ph.D
Recognized leader in medical nutrition and nutraceuticals,
Foremost experts Morinda Citrifolia (NONI)
Dr Neio solomon
  • Health Consultant of Two American Presidents
  • Medical commentator for the American Cable TV Network ( CNN-TV)
  • "The New York Times" best -selling author;
  • Former Los Angeles Times' health Columnist;
  • The current United Nations NGO Global nutrition consultant
Serial no Diseases, Symptomes, or purposes Number of Person Effective %
1 Cancer 889 65 %
2 Cardiac Diseases 1123 80 %
3 Stroke 1019 57 %
4 Diabetes 2773 84 %
5 Poor Physical fitness 8327 92 %
6 Sexual dysfunction 1608 87 %
7 Muscle Training 816 71 %
8 Obesity 2841 75 %
9 Hypertension 938 85 %
10 Smoking cessation 452 58 %
11 Arthritis 719 81 %
12 Pain 4231 88 %
13 Anxiety syndrome 807 77 %
14 Allergies 948 84 %
15 Digestive diseases 1593 89 %
16 Respiratory diseases
2854 77 %
17 Insomnia
1231 73%
18 Mental wandering 373 88 %
19 To increase feelings of comfort 3716 79 %
20 To increase acuity 2983 72 %
21 Kidney diseases 2372 67 %
22 Over pressure 4113 72 %
1. The Above effective percentage column is based on the ratios of person who have improved or recovered after survey of over 50 doctors and 10,000 persons who had consumed noni juice

2. This survey table is extracted from Dr. Neil Solomon's researched report published in 1999. Reference : Neil,M, (1999) Noni Juice 2nd Edition

Clinical researchers have identified well over 150 nutraceuticals in Noni fruit juice
that have therapeutic value in the human body.

BSY Noni 100% Pure Leaven
USA Technology


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